Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
We know that the Social Security disability application and appeal processes are confusing. In order to answer the most common questions, we have created this FAQ page to provide you with general information about Social Security disability. We make every effort to provide accurate and current resources, but because each individual circumstance is unique you must not rely on this general information as factual for your specific situation.

There is no substitute for the advice of a competent attorney or advocate. For a no-cost/no-obligation review of your case, please complete this simple form by clicking here. You will be contacted quickly by a Social Security attorney or advocate.

  1. What is Social Security?
  2. What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?
  3. How does the Social Security Act define "disability"?
  4. Who makes the initial Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income decision?
  1. How do I know if I will qualify to receive Social Security disability benefits?
  2. Do I have to be permanently disabled to qualify for Social Security disability benefits?
  3. How does the Social Security Administration decide if I can receive disability benefits?
  4. Can I work and receive benefits?
  5. If I am disabled, does my family qualify for Social Security disability benefits?
  6. I am presently a stay-at-home parent, but I used to work outside of the home. Can I qualify for Social Security disability benefits if I become sick or injured?
  7. I have never worked at public work, but am disabled. Would I qualify for Social Security disability benefits if I become sick or injured?
  8. I am a disabled widow, and I haven't worked at public work for many years. Can I receive Social Security disability benefits?
  9. My daughter has been disabled since birth and is unable to work. Would she qualify to receive Social Security disability benefits?
  10. I am disabled from an auto accident. I plan to return to work after I recover. Do I qualify for Social Security disability benefits?
  11. Can I qualify for Social Security disability and worker's compensation benefits at the same time?
  12. I am 75% disabled. Can I get 75% of my Social Security disability benefits?
  13. I have several health conditions. Although the individual conditions don't disable me, the combination of these conditions causes me to be disabled. Do I qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?
  14. I have a disabling mental illness. Would my mental illness qualify me for Social Security disability benefits?
  15. Is Alcoholism or Drug Addiction considered a disability?
  1. Can I apply for Social Security disability benefits if I am a stay-at-home parent?
  2. If I plan to return to work after I recover from my auto accident injury, should I still apply for Social Security disability benefits?
  3. I am presently receiving worker's compensation benefits. Do I have to wait until this compensation ends to apply for Social Security disability benefits?
  4. Can I apply for Social Security disability benefits immediately after becoming disabled, or do I have to wait to apply?
  5. Can I apply for Social Security disability benefits even if I am not permanently disabled?
  6. I am out of work on Sick Leave. Do I have to wait until I have used all of my sick leave to apply for Social Security disability benefits?
  7. How does Social Security decide if an applicant is disabled?
  8. What is the process to apply for Social Security disability benefits?
  9. What steps should I take to apply for Social Security disability benefits?
  10. What kind of evidence do I need to gather to support my claim?
  11. How can I speed up my claim?
  12. Why does Social Security consider my age to determine if I am disabled?
  1. Is there a list of illnesses or impairments that Social Security considers are disabling?
  2. If I am approved for Social Security disability, how far back will they pay benefits?
  3. How can I improve my chances of winning approval for my Social Security disability claim?
  4. How long does the Social Security disability application and approval process take?
  5. How much money will I get if I get approved for Social Security disability benefits?
  6. When do my benefits begin?
  7. How long will my Social Security disability benefits last?
  8. Can I receive Social Security benefits if I'm disabled, but not poor?
  9. Are there different types of Social Security disability benefits?
  10. Who can I go to for help with my Social Security disability claim?
  11. Where can I find an attorney or advocate to represent me with my Social Security disability claim?
  12. Do I need a lawyer or advocate to represent me with my Social Security disability claim? Can I handle it myself?
  13. What will an attorney or advocate do for me?
  14. How does a disability lawyer or advocate prepare for a case?
  15. Will a disability attorney or advocate do all of the paperwork for me?
  16. Do I need a disability attorney or advocate for only the disability hearing?
  17. If I hire an attorney or advocate to represent me, what are their fees and how are they paid?
  1. What is the chance that my claim will be denied?
  2. Why are so many Social Security disability claim applications denied?
  3. What should I do if my claim for Social Security disability benefits is denied?
  4. Is it better to appeal my Social Security disability case, or to start over again with a new application?
  5. Is there a time limit to file for an appeal if my case is denied?
  6. What does "reconsideration" mean?
  7. Do I have to go through the reconsideration process?
  8. Who determines whether my claim will be reconsidered?
  9. How long does it take for Social Security to make a reconsideration decision on my claim?
  10. What are my chances of getting my claim approved after an appeal hearing with an Administrative Law Judge?
  11. Can I appeal further if my claim is denied after reconsideration?
  12. What is the Appeals Council?
  13. How soon can I get a hearing on my claim?
  14. What are my chances of getting my claim approved at the hearing stage?
  15. Can I appeal my case to the Federal Court?
  16. What can I do if Social Security notifies me that they are going to cut off my benefits?
  17. Does Social Security continue to review my case to see if I am still disabled?
  18. My doctor has verified that I am disabled, but Social Security has denied my claim - why?
  19. The VA has determined that I am disabled, so why has the Social Security Administration denied my claim?
  20. I am disabled and need help with my medical bills more than I need cash income. How can I get help for these medical bills?
  21. If I get Social Security disability benefits, can I still receive Medicare?
  22. Will my Social Security disability benefits prevent me from receiving Medicaid?
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